It all seems so easy. As a Christian mom, my ordered priorities are God first, then my husband, and then our children.
But wait. Is that realistic for a homeschool mom, or any mom? Those squeaky wheels – I mean children! – seem to need our constant attention. They can certainly turn our priorities upside-down.
Of course, that’s not what we want, but I have been there and I know that it can sure feel that way sometimes! So how can a busy mom keep her priorities straight?
Begin your day with God. Even if it’s just when you first open your eyes in the morning and you’re still in bed, connect with God and place the coming day before him. Ideally, you will take the time to read Scripture and pray, but if you don’t have the time for that, don’t wait until you do!
As you sit (or lie) for those few precious moments, ask God to fill you for the day. Just like charging our phones, we are recharged by plugging back into the True Vine. Taking the moment to plug back in can take you through the day charged and ready for what awaits.
We do not serve a demanding God; his yoke is easy and his burden is light. It is for our good – and to honor God and remind ourselves that he is first in our lives – that we take this morning moment before our day gets going.
Connect with your husband in the morning with a smile. Regardless of your mood or anything else, you can do this. Studies show that our smile makes us more attractive and can enhance our own mood by releasing endorphins and serotonin. From what I understand from my husband, though, it is worth even more than that. It can make him feel like he is doing a good job as a husband – and makes him want to please me more. Don’t underestimate the power of your smile toward your husband.
After first having grounded ourselves in our relationships with God and our husbands, we’ll be on firm footing to begin our day in our roles as nurturers and educators. The time and energy we invest in the lives of our children is absolutely well-spent, and we can do so while keeping our priorities in order.
The post Two Easy Steps to Help Keep Your Priorities Straight appeared first on Patti Wright.